Limited Partners

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Our work with Limited Partners


Private Capital Development LLC's Concierge service is pleased to provide limited partners (LPs) with introductions to private capital general partners (GPs) for in-person or virtual meetings. Our objective is to facilitate introductions between LPs and GPs, enabling both parties to explore potential opportunities.

Our Concierge service makes it convenient for LPs and GPs to connect, whether they are traveling to a particular location or seeking introductions while on the go. We work with LPs seeking GP introduction meetings and with GPs seeking intro meetings with LPs. Our team will organize and schedule these meetings, either virtually or in person, anywhere in the world.

Concierge services are free to LPs. If you are interested in arranging GP introduction meetings during your travels, please feel free to reach out to us at least one month in advance, and we will work with you to set up meetings in the cities you will be visiting.

Private Capital Development LLC's leadership team has over 13 years of experience introducing LPs to GPs. We are committed to helping GPs and LPs build mutually beneficial relationships and grow their businesses. Thank you for considering Private Capital Development Concierge service for your connection needs.



Investor Immersions inform and introduce family offices to relevant government agencies and their leadership through private briefings.  An Investor Immersions delegation comprises global family offices, relevant, regional, private capital GP fund managers, and select portfolio companies.

Investor Immersions: Clean Energy Economy
7-9 May '24 Washington, DC

Investor Immersions: Aerospace, Cyber-Security, Defense, Intelligence
SEPTEMBER '24 Washington, DC

Investor Immersions: Health & the Federal Government
NOVEMBER '24 Washington, DC